gc excursion a: parker & cillian

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 19:35:46 GMT
parker jones Avatar
she roped into going down there to protect . and she doesn't doubt he can do it for a minute. if anything, he might be a better fuckin' bodyguard than she is. he's got blood on his hands in ways she doesn't an' that means something. 

her thumb rubs off some coppery flakes from permanently bruised knuckles. rocket got its money and now that she's off duty, she's back on duty, and that means getting a rendezvous with some rocket fuck who's big enough and bad enough to get her where nomi is. 

"mister boss maaaaan," she says with a shit-eating grin as she ducks under a crystal, amulius at her heels. 
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 22:11:31 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

She's bolder than most that've faced his office, his wrath. She'd gotten off light, comparatively, but he still finds himself surprised by her grin and informal greeting. It doesn't bother him, though. It's not directly disrespectful. Not yet.


Not 'Jones'; her closeness with has earned her some small ounce of respect in return. Though he worried that she might break his sister's heart, he has begrudgingly decided to give her a second chance. She made Nomi happy.

He must dodge that same crystal, his height forcing him to contort beneath its obstacle.

His Delphox stalks ahead of them, eerily illuminating a path with her purple-black SHADOW FIRE.

"Is this your first time in the Chasm?"




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march 21
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parker jones
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 23:11:43 GMT
parker jones Avatar
honestly, now that she's thinking about it, she probably could have texted nomi for a ride on the back of kfc. but also she's busy and parker needs to prove she can handle herself. she's gotta prove she's not deadweight; that she actually brings something to the table. 

she takes one look down the chasm and thinks fuck

oooooooooh, first name basis? some of her trepidation goes away. some of the alarm bells start ringing. she thinks, can't let my guard down, but then she realizes she doesn't really gotta. defection? all thought of it gone. happy life being a happy-go-lucky league civilian? gone. 

nomi bleeds rocket so parker bleeds rocket too. 

"yeahno," she says honestly. "i mean, 'less ya count when that bigass popsicle made this place or whatever. i fell in here an' beat the shit outta a weird metal bull. you see those things?" she uses her hands to make a terrible likeness to iron crown's horn. 

"nice ambiance," she says as purple flames flicker in front of them. amulius doesn't seem very impressed. he does look a bit floofier than usual though.

the delphox puts him on edge.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2024 2:34:05 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

"The Iron Crown? Yeah, I've got one. Not on me, though. Didn't trust it not to turn on me in a place like this." It seemed docile enough, willing enough to help, but trust was hard to earn. Ironic, considering the company of shadows he kept. "She won't hurt you unless I ask her to," he tells Amulius, noting the Blaziken's unease. His Delphox looks back with a wolfish grin. "And I won't."[break][break]

It wasn't easy for a fox to pout, but Mab gives it her best shot before turning back.[break][break]

Where Parker's trepidation subsides, Cillian's comes slamming back into his chest like a dagger in the heart. He loses his breath to it, suddenly fears falling into the Great Chasm that opens below them. His stomach flips.[break][break]

I fucking hate this place, he thinks, and descends despite the tremor in his legs.[break][break]

He's not afraid of heights. Never has been. It's depths that get him. Those of the ocean, not those of the earth. There's no swirling mass of water ahead, only waterfalls pouring over rock. He shouldn't be afraid.[break][break]

Knowing that the fear shouldn't be doesn't make it be any less, though. He keeps one hand on the rock as they travel deeper, as if anchoring himself to its solidity. Something roars from deep below, and somehow that's not what had scared him.[break][break]

"You hear that?" Or am I losing it?[break][break]




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march 21
debt collector
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parker jones
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2024 3:06:29 GMT
parker jones Avatar
embers whistle past his feathered beak and he turns his head away, nonplussed. he wasn't there when it all happened, but the man's stench had lingered on her festering leg for days afterward. amulius knows what he did. 

unlike cillian, parker's flying pretty high. well, all things considered. it makes sense, putting face time in with the boss, but that doesn't make it any less stressful. what puts her off, mostly, is that he's being so...civil with her. 

she thinks it probably has to do more with nomi than anything. 

here's the thing. she's all about her callouses and her rough edges, but parker jones' whole job is measuring someone's fear. it's knowing when to put the pressure on and when to pull the punches. it's reading the way blood drips down an unlucky schmuck's face.

it's peeling back the layers of bravado and overconfidence and exposing weakness. 

his hand goes to the rock. his steps falter, in just the slightest, and his pitch changes. and here is the man who still haunts her nightmares, who is the embodiment of everything she fucking hates, who is the one to kill her, right before she wakes up. here he is and he is so...human

and nomi loves him. 

she nods to amulius and the blaziken darts forward to investigate while parker splays her palms out, still a bit too off-put to put her hands on him, but concern knits her brows. 

"y'good, boss? i i'n't hear nothing. but shit's creepy. i get it."
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 10, 2024 10:19:03 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian is adept at hiding his fear. You had to be, in Kanto, or have your worst nightmares turned against you. had taught him that. . . But it has been a long time since he has been afraid of so little.[break][break]

The supernatural chill crawls down his spine, and he tenses as calls him on it. Shit.[break][break]

"It's this place," he admits, begrudging. "There's something—"[break][break]

He cuts himself short as another cry echoes from below. His eyes narrow.[break][break]

"There! I heard it again, I'm sure I did." Fear is briefly drowned out by furious conviction. He hated this place for what it was doing to him, what it was making him feel. He turns back to Parker, eyes sharp. "You don't know me well, but you're going to have to trust that I'm not losing it. There's something down there."[break][break]

And they, like the fools they were, would follow Rocket's orders into the belly of that unknown beast.[break][break]

His heart continues its jackhammer pattern against ribs that feel fit to break against the intensity, but Rocket has also taught him well how to shoulder his fear, to press through it. To survive.[break][break]

So, stubbornly, he peers down a great drop.[break][break]

His SYGNA SUIT powers on as he sends out his Dhelmise, the SHADOW MIASMA dispersing like cigarette smoke. The chain around his arm looks like a grappling hook, and his intentions could be easily deduced by the way he begins sizing up the structural integrity of the rock.[break][break]

"You wanna find out what it is?"[break][break]




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march 21
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gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2024 3:44:20 GMT
parker jones Avatar
no, she absolutely does not fucking want to know what that sound is. this time she definitely heard it and usually when you hear crazy crying or screeching coming from a fantastical land of superpower crystals, one does the sane thing and says, fuck this shit i'm out

but cillian quinn isn't just anyone. cillian quinn isn't even himself. he is fucking rocket and what he wants, parker wants. what he needs, parker needs. if he says jump, parker does not say how high - she looks over the ledge and she swallows the bile rising in her throat and she gives a thumbs up and says, "fuck yeah, i wanna."

and then, more realistically, "i don't got a sygna suit. or a pokemon that can fly. or teleport. or, like, okay nomi's been getting on my case a little for it. i got a kommo-o though and he can prolly carry me bridal style, but i don't think he's happy with me right now 'cause i gave his extra treats to maisey."

she talks when she's nervous, okay?

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2024 13:46:11 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

He has no clue who Maisey is. The name glances off, repelled by whirling thought. He's still gazing into the abyss they called the Great Chasm, and how great it was. One slip would be the end of him.[break][break]

He does not slip. He's careful in his footing, projecting false confidence in every step.[break][break]

"No fliers or teleports?" The click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth is soft enough not to draw the attention of the Dhelmise who might take it for command. His Delphox's ears twitch; she'd heard him, but there's a malevolent consideration in her gaze as she watches the one whose shadowed mists no longer held her in their sway. It would be so easy to push him, she thinks...[break][break]

... but doesn't, for she is intelligent enough to know that this state, this absence, was temporary.[break][break]

"How do you get out of a bad spot, then?"[break][break]

He suspects she might use tooth and nail and fists, but that did not work for every foe. Still, speculation wouldn't solve their current conundrum.[break][break]

"My Dhelmise could bring us both down, but you'd need to hold tight. Unless you've got a Plan B." His own Plan B weighs down his left arm as he curls his right around the anchor, stepping onto one of its curves. He feels the ANCHOR SHOT in his bones as the Dhelmise curves it around a great spire of crystal. "Or you could keep watch. Let the Boss know if I get eaten by whatever's down there." His eyes gleam. He's joking. Mostly. "I'd offer the aid of my Shadows, but they don't like other people, much."[break][break]

Judging by the vicious gleam in the Delphox's eyes, it was only respect they even felt for him.[break][break]

Without the Nihilego toxin surging through his veins, the bravado he'd felt before activating the SYGNA SUIT begins to fade. His heart pounds hard. His palms sweat. But Cillian Quinn does not back down from his own reckless plan.[break][break]




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march 21
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parker jones
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2024 0:32:48 GMT
parker jones Avatar
she resolves, almost instantly, to get a flier or a pokemon capable of teleporting. probably the former. teleporting still gives her green gills, even if she's done it over and over with nomi. she rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, keeps up the wry smile, and says, "with hard work 'n determination."

yeah, cill, she uses her fists. 

"but t'be fair, all i was doin' before nomi was beatin' the shit outta low lives who owed us money." the colloquial us tastes sour in her mouth, but she's proud she didn't say something dumb like 'who owed fuckin' rocket.' 

so here's how she finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place. honestly, she's kinda surprised he's giving her the choice at all and waiting, while he's all wrapped up in seaweed and the monster that wants to eat them waits down below. granted, the options are both shit. 

she wouldn't mind watching him get gobbled up, but then there'd be emotional baggage and nomi would probably be upset. he's also - fuck, all his fangs and devil horns have started to disappear. it's easier to say 'you're bad and you suck' when she doesn't have the guy shaking in his boots from paranoia and talking to her like a normal human being. 

back to both options being shit - 

1. get slimed by seaweed and go into the waiting jaws of death OR
2. kick it with cillian's shadow pokemon, which are presumably made of the same miasma he used to fuck up her leg way back when. 

and they don't like people.

and parker isn't so sure how much control he really has over 'em, especially if he's not here.

she stalks over to the edge and recalls amulius, but keeps his ball firmly in the palm of her hand. the other goes out towards the dhelmise. 

"bondage it is," she concedes. 
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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Cillian Quinn
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2024 10:07:14 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

If she's expecting disapproval or disdain, his sharp laugh is neither.[break][break]

"Been there."[break][break]

He recalls being a grunt in Kanto, with only a determined Riolu and a tiny Zubat to his name. He hadn't escaped most of his bad spots, then. They'd left their marks on him, scars and bad memories.[break][break]

But he talks also of committing violence in Rocket's name.[break][break]

The Dhelmise curls its colony protectively around them both as it descends into the jagged maw of chasm and crystal. It gets darker the further down they go, sunlight becoming a dim comfort as it's shattered by so many obstructions above them.[break][break]

When they touch ground, at least, it's only a matter of returning his Delphox and sending it back out below. Purple-black fire mixes eerily with the faded sunlight, casting ominous shadows. There is no sign of what had made the sound.[break][break]

That, Cillian thinks, is more frightening than if they'd been dropped into its mouth.[break][break]

Web stretches between gaps in rock likely not disturbed for years. A Spinarak crawls over his boot, but Cillian's supernatural paranoia has faded. Now, it's only a human amount of caution that plagues him as he glances around the vast, untouched potential.[break][break]

"Imagine what's down here's not seen human life - maybe ever." It's meant to be a comfort, as he adds, "So I doubt we're part of its diet."[break][break]




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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
593 posts
parker jones DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2024 1:46:41 GMT
parker jones Avatar
look, parker! the big scary rocket boss can relate to you. he was there once. now look at him, as you hang from your waist by some sentient seaweed. look at him and think about how one day, sweetheart, that could be you!

she thinks of then and envy twists hot and raw in her intestines. makes her go all squirrely. she twitches and her breath comes short. she's glad the dhelmise is doing all the work 'cause she would have lost her grip for sure. 

that dream of hers about getting out has been shot dead now, lain to rest with blood and tears and some of nomi's c - well, the specifics don't matter. she made a promise. she told her she's 100% in. no wishing for anything else. ends of the earth, end of the world. 

how cruel that in hoenn, the dead don't stay dead. 

steel-toed boots find the ground. she crouches there, shaking away the rest of her anxious sweats, and looks up at her boss. 

"yeah," she says, unconvinced. "maybe it won't be so bad."
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gremlin creature

the shadow mod
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
wing attack
googoo gaga
spiral is my big poppa pump (positive)
600 foot tall baby height
600 foot tall baby height
sleeping in mod reqs
3,486 posts
part of
spiral and shiv's baby
gc excursion a: parker & cillian
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 5:40:04 GMT
spiral and shiv's baby Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]EXCURSION COMPLETE!



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The Enroi Region
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